Lola Argemi    

Lola was born in Monterrey by chance, to a Spaniard mother and a Mexican father, but was raised all over the country in the midst of a burgeoning artistic family and scene. A very keen and avid observer from her earliest days, her ambidextrous hands proved to deftly reproduce on paper whatever caught her eye and imagination. 

After having settled down in Mexico City’s iconic Condesa neighborhood, Lola wholeheartedly delved into the advertising world and in parallel, grew as an artist. She believes in art as a way to self-discovery and has taught children’s art classes for over two decades. 

Lola’s work is as deep as its breadth is ample. Her formats range from the colossal to miniature and her perfectly rounded technique comes through in the most varied media; from classical oil, to ink and batik. What comes through in her oeuvre, is her quintessentially feminine perspective that captures emotion, daily life and even the most fantastical of worlds through fluid lines and compelling imagery.