Francesco Paternoster — Capsules Book Drawn

Francesco Paternoster


“I am an Italian graphic designer, currently based in Milan. I grew up in a family of printers like my father, and my grandfather before him. I obtained my batchelor in Design at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, and then my master’s degree in Communication Design at the Politecnico di Milano. I have always been inspired by Franco Grignani’s rigor and dynamism of forms, as well as by the iconographic and anthropological research of Mario Cresci. 

Deeply fascinated by letters, I like to play with legibility. I like to mix a rigorous, clean style with very irregular shapes, which are the result of the influence of rural traditions of my city, Matera. I see value in irregularity. In recent years, some of my projects have been awarded with the Communication Arts, A Design Award and some were finalists for the European Design Award.”