

Although having spent most of her lifetime in Germany, regular periods in the Finnish archipelago have greatly influenced the work of illustrator Katariina. 

Paris tempted her as a budding fashion designer, where she became a pupil of Marie Ruckie, who remains her greatest idol. 

After finishing the Studio Bercot, Katariina enrolled at the Sorbonne, since fashion and sociological studies appeared to her as two stars in the same constellation, and during her studies she focused her research on nocturnal activities, culminating in a diploma entitled “Seduction strategies in Parisian discotheques”. 

First requests to illustrate party flyers came from some of her numerous contacts in the Paris DJ scene, and she’s been illustrating ever since. 

Katariina likes to paint the traditional way (mainly with paper, ink and watercolours), adapting her style to the personal wishes of her clients.  

Whether it’s horoscopes for a woman’s magazine, a mural for a restaurant or a wallpaper pattern, the base in most cases is a sketch or a real collage enhanced with an early version of Photoshop.

Clients include German feminine & lifestyle publications (such as PETRA, Gala, MYWAY, Für Sie, Closer, Maxi), Austrian FLAIR, the “MAMA” restaurant chain, Häagen-Dazs Germany as well as a range of bloggers and press relation offices.

