Han-Yuan, Yu (B.c.N.y.)


Marion Kamper works from Vienna, Austria as a freelance illustrator and hand lettering artist. She has obtained a Masters of Communication Design from the University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria.

HAN-YUAN, YU (B.c.N.y.), is a Taiwanese freelance illustrator. Yu has received a MFA degree in illustration from FIT, NY.

YU’s bright, highly detailed, and intricate paintings, juxtapose figurative compositions with decorative elements. Each image is set against backdrops inspired by the subtropical environs of his native home, Taiwan. YU combines a classic oil palate with vibrant colours and folkloric and aboriginal themes. His work is created digitally, although he sometimes includes organic brushstrokes of oil paint to add an organic human element  to his works.

What makes YU’s work unique is the level of expressionism captured in his subjects. Through content, composition, colour, line, and form, YU seeks to tell a story, to unravel a narrative and draw the viewer into his imaginative world. Here, traditional stories and designs from Chinese and Taiwanese culture are combined with figurative elements to reveal the unforgettable beauty of Taiwan. As YU explains, “The most important thing for illustration is narrative, carrying information and telling a story or information to people.”

YU’s works have appeared in numerous reputable magazines and games. In addition, YU has published several art books of his work including originals, fan art and private commissions. These publications also include detailed explanations  of his creative and conceptual processes.

