Eva Šimonová


Eva Šimonová graduated in 2010 from the Academy of  Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (Slovakia). In 2007 she also studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts - Régionale in Saint Etienne (France). After completing her studies she is now operating her freelance graphic design and illustration practice focused on producing illustrated children’s books. She has received many awards for her work, in particular, her work has been recognised and awarded by BIBIANA (International House of Art for Children).

Eva uses different textile materials to create handprinted structures combined with painting. Final effect is harmonious composition of painted areas with accent rich in textures.

In later works, structures were eliminated and more emphasis is placed on clean areas and stylised shapes. 

Eva’s work, beautifully naive and rich in texture, is created by a range of traditional media and printing techniques. She is continuously exploring new methods and media to develop fresh and dynamic illustrative solutions.

“My desire is to make illustrations sincere and pure, as is the world of children.” 

