Federico Pastormerlo


Freelance Illustrator and graphic designer Federico Pastormerlo was born in Voghera, Italy in 1989. He now currently works and lives Milan.

Federico attended a specialist arts high school and then went on to obtain a degree in Interaction Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design, in Milan.

Bold, minimal and highly conceptual would best describe the illustrative works of Federico. His works are largely created digitally using either Adobe Illustrator or the Assembly application on his iPad Pro. Subjects of his personal works largely focus on landscapes, architecture and imaginative worlds set deep in space.

Although Federico works largely as an illustrator, he also has a broad skillset working across multiple disciplines including graphic design, user experience, user interface and interaction design, as well as software development. This broad skillset allows Federico to roll our illustrative assets across both print and digital applications.

